Si Tammy


Tumira Najihah Taufek
Just calling me TUMI
19 Years Old,still younger okay!
I do love My Parents

Anything About Life

My Heartbeat

I’m thinking of you, that’s all I do, all the time. You’re always the first and the last thing on this heart of mine. No matter where I go, or what I do, I’m thinking of you
I love you the more in that I believe you had liked me for my own sake and for nothing else
When you came, you were like red wine and honey, and the taste of you burnt my mouth with its sweetness

My Bias

"I hate you love you. Up and down multiple times in a day. Feels like an elevator Heal me I’m heartsick. There ain’t no cure for my disease I’m worn out because of you. The amount of pain you caused me. I can’t estimate it In this situation. I fold my hands together for you. I pray for ya. Good luck to ya"
Let Me Tell The Past
What a Wonderful! - syarul ridzwan

ini ialah gambar gambar yang telah saya capture by hand sendiri tau. hahaha no more internet dah or ambil gambar orang lain. Sumpah aku tak terkata mase dia naik stage tu. Ya Allah, sumpah handsome orang ni. kalau dalam cerita hati perempuan tu kan dah handsome? tapi dekat luar atau face to face lagi lagi double handsome. berterabur iman aku mase tu. Dengan wanginyaa. dah lah mase tu dia lalu beetul betul tepi aku. dan aku boleh nampak tahik lalat sexy dia tu dekat leher dia tu haaaaa. hahahaha sempat lagi skondeng, 

Nak buat dialog sikit kat sini. Aku " syarul, syarul pandang lah sini" sambil tangan tergapai gapai and then you know what? dia paling kat aku pastu senyum and then and then dia buat peace. sungguh ku terpaku mase tu. sportinggggnyaaaa dia. thankks syarul sebab dah buat hari tu hari bahagia aku. lamenye aku tunggu nak suruh dia datang ganuuuuu :(

dan yang paling paling bahagianyaaaaaaa, syarul reply comment aku. inibuat aku makin suka dekat artis ni. hahaha dia macam macam tahu je aku yang panggil dia mase tu and then bodyguard tu marah marah. dia sebenarnya nakk sgt selfie dgn fans dia tapi disebabkan bodyguard yang ganas dan garang tu. habis semua hancur harapan org yg nk selfie dgn dia pada hari sabtu tu. 19.09.2015